Tweet Storm Logo

Du Äfthringa Frethyaí

Thank you for joining Du Äfthringa Frethyaí!

What was the outcome of Du Äfthringa Frethyaí?

Read about it here. We'll keep you updated!

Use the Hashtag


And if the hashtag ends up trending again at some point, I'm sure that wouldn't hurt . . . . 😎

Christopher Paolini


We're secretly organising a second tweet storm for an Inheritance Cycle adaptation. Join us and spread the word amongst your trusted friends in private messages or closed communities like Discord servers. To (tweet)storm the castle, we need the element of surprise on our side!

If everyone who attended the first tweet storm tells just one other friend, we could double our impact!

What is going on?

What is a tweet storm? Why are we doing one? What is this place??

Answers to these questions are on the homepage of the original tweet storm.

Spread the Word!

Help us recruit your friends for the second tweet storm! Send your friends the link to Du Äfthringa Frethyaí (this page!).

What's Different This Time?

We must demonstrate our committment, dedication, and love for the series. Disney know we want an adaptation, so this time our tweets should be less about telling Disney that "we want a remake" and more about expressing our passion.

That means more discussions, fan art, quotes, favourite moments, and above all else, more memes - as long as you use the #EragonRemake hashtag in every tweet and reply!

You don't need to mention @Disney - only do so if relevant to your message.

Use the hashtag in every tweet - that includes replies and retweets (you can use quote tweet to add your own messages)!

Last time, the average number of tweets per participant was 2.4. If everyone thinks of just five tweets you can post with the #EragonRemake hashtag, we could double our impact! Of course, if you can think of more, that would be even better!